Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Stout's Performance Career is Beginning... Maybe

So today I found myself filling out an entry form for Stout. Well, then I'd change my mind. Then I'd start again...
I am thinking of entering him in a Rally trial in January. This is one of the few agility trials we attend that also has rally & obedience. Ironically enough, this was the very first trial that Stout tagged along to after we brought him home!
January 2011

January 2011

So it kind of seems fitting that this would be his performance debut  :)  We've been practicing our rally moves a little. And we have plenty of time for more practice...

So I'll finish filling it out. Or not...


  1. You can do it! Have faith--he might surprise you!

    1. Oh, he'll surprise me alright! It just may not be a good surprise! :)

  2. It gives me butterflies to think of entering Dezi in anything... :)

  3. I would definitely enter! Rally Novice is easy (and on-leash so it can't go too far south). Both Jimmy and Wilson got their RNs with very little practice...of course they were a bit more mature ;-) But hey, Jimmy did get his CGC at 9 months!
