Tuesday, October 8, 2013

NADAC Champs: Day 2

Day 2 dawned with roofers next door again  :(
So after walking the course for Round 3, I ran to Walgreen's to get a clock radio that I could leave playing in the stall. I hoped it would muffle the sound of the nail guns... I think it worked a little, but sometimes it would be off when I returned to the stall. Yet sometimes I would leave it off, and it would be on when I came back. I don't know... I think the people across the hall were not fond of the radio station I chose.
Anyway, onto Round 3:


Yes, it was the round that haunts us in our nightmares... The weavers round!
Strangely enough, this was the same course as the weavers round in 2011. See, I do remember it well  :) The only difference was no set of 12 poles (replaced with a set of 6) and the distance line was in a different part of the course.
Why would you have the same course again for Champs? In the same Champs location? That the same people would attend? I don't get it...
But Porter did phenomenally better this year! I mean, he still didn't weave all of them the first time, but at least we did get them eventually!  :)  (Seriously, look at the video from last time...)
We ended up 18th out of 27 dogs. And somehow scored a 5 point Q?! We would have been 8th if we had been competing in our normal weekend division.
Round 4:

I guess Porter felt as if he had already met his daily quota of weaves  :)
I don't know why I took him back to try the 3rd time. Normally, just redoing them once would put us over time (when he pops out at the end like that). But somehow we still earned a Q and finished in 15th.
I thought we handled the course pretty well. You don't see many people blind crossing at NADAC trials  :)  And I didn't see many handle that as a single-sided serpentine into the weaves. I wasn't worried about pushing out to the tunnel in the distance challenge portion, but I was concerned about him not taking the jump before the frame in the 2nd portion. I shouldn't have doubted the little guy!  :)

Above is a photo of Porter with the building they were roofing. Oddly enough, on Saturday night, they held a wedding reception inside. Yes, the building that says "POULTRY" on the side is a wedding venue. Weird...

Tomorrow we will take a break from the Champs recap for Wordless Wednesday  :)  We will return with Day 3 on Thursday!


  1. That is so odd about the repeat course! You would think that they would want harder challenges each year.
    You looked great in the videos! Very smooth.

  2. Hi! We are impressed! What beautiful corgis! I'm afraid my guys are just fun corgis. They really don't work. In fact, The Bear is a little lazy. Okay! a lot lazy. I really wanted to know if they had the instinct for herding so we took a road trip. I thought Buddy would be the herder but a fire ant put him out of commission for the morning. So glad you stopped by our blog. Good luck on Thursday.
