Sunday, May 5, 2013

Derby Day!

If you live in Kentucky, it's almost mandatory that you celebrate on Derby Day!

So what do you need to celebrate the Derby?  Outrageous hats, of course!

Both hats were made with Dollar Store items. Classy!

Porter is modeling my uptown pink zebra print hat, 
complete with roses, ribbons, & a small trophy!

Stout is modeling John's hat, outfitted with various drinking glasses & a pinwheel.
He kind of resembles a pimp, no?

I think you can see here how Porter felt about wearing this hat...

Fun fact: Stout got his registered name from last year's Derby winner "I'll Have Another."


  1. Clever, funny photos! Did you all enjoy mint juleps, as well?

  2. Oh...too cute for me! They are good models!

  3. How did the humans get out of modeling the hats? The boys are so well-behaved and willing (even if not happy).

  4. I can see how thoroughly thrilled they are with their lovely hats. Jimmy and Wilson are just SO jealous ;-)
