Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Where'd They Go?


  1. Oh, no! Poor Stout! Hope he feels better ASAP! In 2 to 3 months he'll actually grow a brain ;-)

    On a serious note....your vet gave vaccines on the same day there was a surgery? I know mine insists I must get them bordetella before they can come in for the day but he doesn't do vaccines in conjunction w/ surgery......Just curious.....

    1. I hope he grows a brain! :)

      The bigger vaccines (rabies, parvo/distemper/lepto) they would never give with surgery. I make them break them up even on routine visits (rabies 1 visit, next shot a few months later). But I guess I'm a little more lax with bordetella & influenza, & obviously they are too! :)

      I should have waited, but I'm not sure either of those actually protect against anything anyways...

  2. I love the "hazard material disposal fee"! LOL Poor Stouter-puss! Think of how fast he'll be now without those little weights! ;-)

    1. The "hazard material disposable fee" was $2. So $1 per ball? :)
